Sea freight is a major component of multimodal transport services. In order to provide the best possible service, we have a dedicated freight transport division, FCL and LCL, LCL, bulk or bulk cargo, project cargo and a wide range of cargo, varies on a global scale. The versatility and diversity of freight services provided by Real Logistics offers customers economical alternatives to other costly forms of transportation. Our global logistics services are not only in charge of transporting goods from port to port but also providing a complete solution from A to Z.

Over the past years, Real Logistics has developed close cooperation relationships with major shipping partners in the region and internationally.

We have a service network spread all over the world from Europe, America, Asia to Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia and other regions.

We can provide customers with all kinds of licenses and documents, schedule announcements, freight inquiries, insurance, road & rail transit, international shipping and global services. Other aspects related to import and export freight.